Make a Poster!
The students at a small rural school in Apotiki, New Zealand came up with this logo for Zero Waste. One of the greatest things about this logo is that it’s pretty simple. Why not create your own Zero Waste logo at home or in school?
We might be able to post it on our website!
Here are some tips to get you started:
Cooperation is at the heart of Zero Waste. You might learn more about yourself and how to co-operate with others if your class works on one poster together. Groups of three or four can work together at first, then the different groups can present their posters and why they chose the representations they did. Each group elects a representative that will work with other group representatives to decide which poster best represents zero waste. The class as a whole can then make suggestions on how to improve the logo (or not) and then send it to us.
If you use too many colors or have too many fine lines, it may not show up very well on the web. Simple is good!
Creativity works best when you have some limits on what you are allowed to do. Since not everyone has a computer, let us even the playing field a bit. Please use color pens, markers, crayons, scissors, glue (paste) and colored or white paper for this project. (Once the class project is complete it’s okay to scan it in and email it to us.)
If you have no classmates, (i.e. home-schooling), you can get some of your friends together and do the same thing.
Photo by Lacey Williams on Unsplash